Abney Hand Level SECO
The SECO Abney Level is ideal for preliminary surveys, landscaping, or DIY work where the determination of slope, angle, and percentage of grade is required.
The Abney Level's scale is graduated in both degrees of incline and percentage of slope.
Use the Abney Level to find the slope and grade for:
The Abney Level's scale is graduated in both degrees of incline and percentage of slope.
Use the Abney Level to find the slope and grade for:
- Storm Drains
- Paving
- Landscape Design
- Other DIY uses
Hubungi Kami :
Jalan M. Kahfi I Jagakarsa , Jakarta Selatan
Jalan M. Kahfi I Jagakarsa , Jakarta Selatan
Mobile : 081283804273
WA : 081932632003
Web : www.darmatek.net
Menjual Alat-Alat Untuk Survey Pemetaan,Kontraktor,Telekomunikasi,Geologi,Exploration,Kelautan,Militer,Migas,Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika,Laboratorium Industri Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Diantaranya Sebagai Berikut :
Total Station :
Sokkia CX-103/CX-105 / FX-103/FX-105
Topcon GTS-102N / ES-103,ES-105 / OS-103,OS-105
Nikon DTM-322/ Nivo 3C,5C / Nivo 3M,5M
Gowin TKS 202
South NTS-352L
Digital Theodolite :
Sokkia DT-540,DT-740
Topcon DT-205,DT-205L,DT-209,DT-209L
Nikon NE-100,NE-101,NE-102,NE-103
South ET-02
My Surv DT-202C
Automatic Level :
Sokkia Topcon ATB-2,ATB-3,ATB-4
Nikon AS-2C,AE-7,AP-8,AC-2S,AX-2S
Digital Level Orion 2LS
Digital Level GEOMAX ZDL700
GPS Handheld:
Garmin GPSMAP 62s
Garmin GPSMAP 78s
Garmin GPS Oregon 550 kamera 3.2 MP
Garmin GPS Montana 650 kamera 5 MP
Garmin GPS e-Trex 10,20,30
Garmin GPS Rino 610 Garmin Nuvi 1350,Nuvi 50LM,
Garmin GPS Aera 500,Aera 550
Magellan Explorist 610
Gps Marine :
Garmin GPSMAP 4012
Garmin GPSMAP 2108
Garmin GPSMAP 585
Garmin GPS 128
Garmin Radar GMR-18
Garmin GSD 22
Garmin Antena GA 30
Garmin Kabel Transduser
Garmin Fishfinder Echo 100,300c,500c
Gps Geodetik Trimble,Topcon,Sokkia,Javad
Kompas Geologi,Kompas Survey
Handy Talky
Radio Rig
Telepon Satelit
Walkie Talkie Sepasang
Teropong Binocular Nikon
Teropong Binocular Bushnell
Teropong Malam Night Vision
Teropong Jarak Bushnell&Nikon;- Peralatan Geologi Explorasi Tambang
Peralatan Meteorologi
Peralatan Hidrografi Laut Dan Sungai
Peralatan Survey Hutan Dll